Friday, September 09, 2005

1st Note from Coach

Hello. My name is Gilbert Flores. I would like to give you a little background on myself and my history with football. I have a wife Galen, and three kids: Eric 12 yr. Gregory llyr, and Alicia 2 yrs. I played football myself from 5k” grade through my senior year in high school, then I coached football in the United States Army for 4 years. Although this is my first year with youth flag football I am familiar with the game.

Enclosed with this letter is a copy of our game schedule and practice schedule. Since our games start next week we are going to practice tomorrow and Thursday then when the games start we will go down to Mondays and Thursdays with games being on Tuesdays. Please try to be prompt in showing up for practices and games.

For the games I would like for you to be there 30 minutes before the starting time. If for some reason you will not be at practice or the game please be courteous and give us a call or email to let us know.

As far as team pictures go I am not sure how or when that will be. As soon as we find out I will get a call or note to each parent so that they know. Usually they run about $9.

Thank you for letting your child play flag football. I anticipate a very fun and knowledgeable season.

Gil & Galen Flores

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